REGISTRATION FEES HAS BEEN REVISED & REDUCED for the “BAPA-BEN IC WRSA CC on 4-5 January 2013” ! Please get yourself registered urgently!!
In reference to Announcement on BAPA-BEN International Conference on Water Resource in South Asia: Conflict to Cooperation “(IC WRSA CC 2013), it’s my pleasure to inform you that with a view to ensuring maximum participation in the events, the Conference Organizing Committee (COC) in its last meeting held on yesterday has decided to reduce the current Registration Fees BDT 400 (four hundreds) to BDT 200 (two hundreds). More over the COC has fixed BDT 100 (one hundred) for the students and youth participants of the Conference, on presentation of their ID Cards. Deserving BAPA regional branch representatives and River Activists (individuals and organizations, local or international) shall be considered for further comfortable logistic options for joining the conference. Persons who have already applied for the registration paying the previous fees, are requested to talk to the Conference Secretariat (BAPA Office: 8113469) for facilitating the return of their excess money they paid meanwhile. As you know, Conference will have opening, plenary, parallel scientific, strategy and closing sessions for the whole length of the day, ending through a cultural program in the evening. Around 35 scientific papers will be presented at the conference by the eminent experts from all over Bangladesh and abroad. In resemblance to the BAPA tradition, this time also the conference will have the gathering of not only the experts, teachers, scientists, researchers, planners, politicians, policy makers & administration but also a big number of activists, environmentalists, NGO representatives, and victims of river degradations, water pollutions, students, politicians, media persons and the concerned citizens of the country. A good number of speakers and participants comprising non-resident Bangladeshis as well as foreigners will be joining this endeavor from different countries of the world. There will be two more pre-conference events like: Walkathon and Children’s Art Competition on 3rd January 2013. . We hope that the great conceptual aggregation due to be converged in the conference will enrich the process of proper synthesis of a comprehensive and pragmatic resolution to end the ongoing crises in the water resources in South Asia. I wish your active presence and worthy participation in this noble venture aimed at achieving a realistic and sustainable national development. As you know, Conference Registration has already been opened to all and as before bunch of interested people is already in queue for registration for the conference. Please find the Registration Form attached herewith or collect from the BAPA Office at Lalmatia for using for your participation in the conference. All the tips on requirements for registration are mentioned in the form. Please open and fill up the form and send to the Conference Secretariat as per the procedure explained in the form. Let’s make the conference a grand success in terms of genuine participation and quality presentations. For any further information and explanations, please call me at Cell: 01819223343 or Mr. Uttom at: 01712354385 or Contact the Conference Secretariat. Hope to see you in the conference!